PolPlast Machine Mold Design Polyurethane and Plastic Products Industry Trade Limited company serves you with more than 25 years of experience, dynamic, creative ideas and a team with a successful history each. With its expert and experienced staff, it provides you with support in Product Design & Prototymation, Mold, Thermoform, Polyurethane and Model Services

. PolPlast Machine Mold Design As Polyurethane and Plastic Products Industry Trade Limited Company, it also provides you with many design products, especially automotive, work machine, health, industrial and 4×4 pickup groups.

In light of our management and production strategies within the framework of our basic quality policies, as an advanced and reputable organization in the products we produce, to be at the forefront of domestic and international markets and customer preferences and to contribute to the country’s economy.

Meet customer requirements by exceeding. T
o offer to domestic and international markets by producing reliable products that are easy to buy and use. To increase the satisfaction and long-term commitment of our customers and employees. The goal is to constantly thrive and grow in markets. Meet the expectations of stakeholders by using all resources effectively.